Belial, the Lord of Lies, is back in Diablo 4 Season 8. But just who is this lord of Hell in the game, and why is he back?
Blizzard’s Diablo 4 Season 8 is bringing back Belial from Diablo 3 as a new Uber Boss, and you can steal his powers.
In a post on the game's official site, Blizzard stated: Vessel of Hatred continues the grim tale that began in Diablo IV, as you learn the fate of the prime evil Mephisto and his demonic plans for ...
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred brings you to Nahantu in search of Neyrelle, who is carrying a Worldstone with the imprisoned ...
Diablo IV draws players into a grim story line and gives them the freedom to explore and forge their own path across the most expansive and intense vision of the world of Sanctuary—a bleak and ...