I started drinking mate in my adolescence with my friends and we would just sit around and share the mate while talking and enjoying the feeling of closeness. In my opinion , the mate makes ...
No conclusive evidence was found for drinking mate at temperatures that are not very hot. Results suggest that hot beverages is one probable cause of oesophageal cancer, temperature, rather than ...
Yerba mate, or Ilex paraguariensis, hails from South America. Brewing the dried leaves results in a traditional caffeinated drink (often referred to as ‘mate’), which is widely popular in this part of ...
These days, it's familiar to most soccer fans. In addition to players carrying a Dopp kit as they get off the bus, someone is carrying a thermos and a cup with a fancy design. Maté is mainstream.
Argentina "Don't reject the mate." Mariana del Rosal explains that in Argentina, drinking mate — a close cousin of tea — is "a ritual and a demonstration of confidence and friendship." ...
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rayén deeply enjoys mate, both as part of her everyday life and as some of her most precious memories. Before joining AST, Rayén was a researcher specializing in ...
“I've been drinking it for a long time,” Dier went on. “Happy Birthday my friend! Thanks for teaching me everything I know about mate and asado,” he once wrote in an Instagram message in ...