A tax code that you may have noticed on your payslip could mean that thousands of Brits are owed a significant refund from HM ...
If I file my tax return and pay the bill and it later turns out that the calculations or my tax code weren't correct, can I ...
HMRC is to scrap a costly tax error code that left millions of pensioners thousands of pounds worse off - and they can claim ...
I believe I am being asked to pay £1,300 in taxes on interest I can't yet access. Do I owe this money and what are the rules?
According to data obtained through a Freedom of Information request, HMRC refunded £ 8.3 billion in overpaid tax during the ...
According to data obtained through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request from the Sun, HMRC refunded £8.3 billion in ...
HMRC Self Assessment Tax Returns are due in today - the experts share their tips on what to check before you press send ...
According to Money Helper, each individual can take up to 25% of their pension completely tax-free from the age of 55.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is to end the “arcane” practice of emergency taxing pensioners on their retirement savings ...
Pensioners claimed almost £50 million in pension tax overpayment refunds in the past three months. Now, HMRC says it wants to ...
I was promoted and received a decent pay rise in the last tax year and also did some extra work for another company, so my tax code changed three times and at one point I had two separate tax codes.