American white pelicans, with 9-foot ... and they’ve set up at least two colonies that are now home to thousands of breeding pairs. Courtney Sherwood is the climate and environment editor ...
The American white pelican migrates back north around this ... and the Canadian province of Manitoba, where they breed, Hickman explained. "You'll start seeing them about early March, and you ...
Here, American white pelicans breed in a vast island colony that provides protection from predators like foxes and coyotes. They lay two eggs a year, incubate them for a month and then care for ...
Effort under way to learn more about impacts of oil spill DNR A major study is under way to learn more about the potential impacts of the recent gulf oil spill on two of ...
Brown pelicans have three annual plumages. For most of the year, the head is pale yellow and the neck is white Before the onset of breeding, the head turns brighter yellow and the neck turns dark ...