Hundreds of dogs, 33 mushers, and thousands of onlookers are gathering along the trail of the 53rd Iditarod this year.The ...
NOME, Alaska — Along the remote western edge of ... A pancake dinner fundraiser at the local VFW hall brought in thousands of dollars for an ambulance, which Hayward bought in Poland, loaded ...
The world's most famous sled dog race will have its longest course ever this year. A lack of snow north of the Alaska Range ...
These volunteers won’t let go of the cause as Russia’s war on Ukraine enters a fourth year. They’ve sent ambulances, generators and more to the front line.
This year’s 1,128-mile sled-dog race follows a novel route through Interior Alaska with a loop on the Yukon River. “We are ...
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is celebrating the unveiling of its $150 million renovation and expansion. Not to ...
The winning team is expected in the Gold Rush town of Nome ... to honor Alaska’s traditions as the 100th anniversary of its purchase by the U.S. from Russia neared in 1967. Matt Hall's team ...
Both locals and visitors were enthusiastic for the Interior-based Iditarod restart, which hadn’t been held in Fairbanks since ...
“The early part of 1925 will go down in the history of Manistee for two major natural phenomena, the first near-total eclipse ...
Grappling under the Juneau Youth Wrestling Club banner two Thunder Mountain Middle School wrestlers claimed titles at the 49th annual Tanana Middle School Wrestling Invitational.