The impact of the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 brought an end to Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement policy. Chamberlain offered to help Poland if it was attacked by Germany, and the ...
Following Hitler’s rise to power, he delighted Germans by snubbing the Treaty of Versailles. After the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and then Poland, German aggression became clear. The youth ...
This mass military invasion, known by historians as “The Rape of Czechoslovakia,” was one ... Whether in East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the former Yugoslavia, critics of communist ...
turn into an invasion. Reports of Soviet tactical nuclear missiles in Czechoslovakia could only increase West German anxiety. Says Helmut Schmidt, the Socialists’ parliamentary leader ...
German writer Franz Kafka is name-checked within a few minutes of the start of Anna Narinskaya’s play, and this turns into an overriding stage direction for Maxim Didenko’s production, which couldn’t ...
THOUGH water cannon and police truncheons kept last week’s demonstrations in Czechoslovakia ... German aggression required the intervention in Czechoslovakia, the fact remains that the invasion ...
including during the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, brought him into the sights of the GDR's notorious Ministry of ...
Newly declassified documents from the Cold War period, released just a few weeks ago, confirm that in 1983, the world came dangerously close to an all-out war. The trigger? The Able Archer exercises, ...
No one had the slightest premonition that within less than a year, Hitler’s forces would have conquered three-quarters of ...
Of course, Churchill was a flawed individual and should not be considered above criticism. Still, it is safe to say that in ...
Last week’s online controversy was the interview with Darryl Cooper, whom host Tucker Carlson called “(maybe) the best and ...