The home range of fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus), found in parts of South and Southeast Asia, could be more expansive ...
Natural products are small molecules produced naturally by any organism including primary and secondary metabolites. They include very small molecules, such as urea, and complex structures, such ...
This collection of short videos showing animals in their natural habitats can help to introduce the concepts of food chains, ecology and adaptation to the environment through evolution ...
which further helped in the natural regeneration of mangroves, making it a suitable habitat for fish, shellfish and shrimp that the community depended on. A total of 32 families reared 1,200 ...
The animal kingdom is full of astonishing diversity, from the mighty elephant to the delicate butterfly. Yet, beyond the familiar creatures commonly known to us, lies a world of strange and ...
Despite their exalted status and relative lack of natural predators, pandas are still at risk. Severe threats from humans have left just over 1,800 pandas in the wild. The panda, with its distinctive ...
Give a gift that will help protect the future of nature. Make a symbolic adoption in support of WWF's global efforts. We protect wildlife because they inspire us. But we also focus our efforts on ...
Impact and progress Frontiers' impact Progress Report 2022 All annual reports ...