Richard Perry, renowned music producer and Jane Fonda's ex-boyfriend, passed away at 82. He succumbed to a cardiac arrest at a hospital in LA on Tuesday. Perry was perhaps most known for his work ...
Richard Perry, the prolific music producer who was behind hits such as "You're So Vain" by Carly Simon has died. Perry, 82, died Tuesday in a Los Angeles hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest, ...
Jane Fonda then talked about her relationship with Richard Perry as she said: "The only thing I have never known is true intimacy. I absolutely wanted to discover that before dying. It has ...
Famous music producer Richard Perry, who shared an 8-year romance with Jane Fonda, has passed away at 82. The visionary behind Carly Simon’s You’re So Vain and Rod Stewart’s The Great ...
Legendary record producer Richard Perry—who was nominated for seven ... Sisters’ “Jump (For My Love)” also dated actress Jane Fonda from 2009 to 2017. SIGN UP for Parade's Trending News ...
Richard Perry’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease became public in 2014, when his then-partner, the actress Jane Fonda, wrote about it on her blog. She revealed that Perry told her about his ...
Richard Perry, the prolific music producer who was ... Perry dated Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda and briefly married the actress Rebecca Broussard. Perry's friend Donna Kastner announced the ...