Forbes details how these striking birds, aka the South Island takahē, (the North Island takahē did become extinct), hold deep cultural significance for the Māori. In their legends, they are a taonga ( ...
Music is such a powerful medium that it is no wonder that it is being used in medical treatments, according to The Conversation. Music has been used to manage pain and helping patients recover from a ...
People have always looked to the sky for insight and inspiration. Ancient civilizations built monuments to track the movements of the planets and celestial events like eclipses were spiritually ...
The Indian yoga teacher and author, B.K.S. Iyengar (1918—2014) first developed the Iyengar style, according to Ekhart Yoga.
Making big changes in life starts with small steps. When you take a gradual approach to meeting your goals, you set yourself ...
The results of the study The findings of the research showed that transplanting a healthy ecosystem could help restore ailing ...
Intellectual humility is different. It has to do with understanding the limits of one’s intelligence, according to The Cut, ...
Wind power, in terms of technology, is one of the best sources of renewable energy and it is providing power around the globe.In some countries, renewables are overtaking the use of fossil fuels in ...
Life is often busy and complicated. But finding small ways to add joy to your daily routine can make a big difference and have a positive impact on your life. Adding joy into your life doesn’t have to ...