Texas abortion restrictions are among the strictest in the nation, banning the procedure unless a pregnant person has a "life-threatening condition."
Hey Jane is the leading provider of telehealth abortion care, giving women access to safe and affordable care.
President-elect Trump campaigned on leaving abortion decisions to the states, but that could prove a tough promise to keep as he returns to the Oval Office. Anti-abortion groups want Trump
The constitutional amendment approved by Missouri voters protects abortion access until the point of fetal viability, when a fetus can survive on its own outside the womb without extraordinary medical interventions.
Republican senators sent a stern warning to the Smithsonian museums: leave anti-abortion activists to do what they want.According to Fox News, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Todd Young (R-IN) told the institutions in a letter,
Shortly after President Donald Trump was inaugurated Monday, the federal website for reproductive health care questions, Reproductiverights.gov, was shut down.
A government website to educate people about their reproductive rights has been taken down on the heels of President Donald Trump‘s inauguration. The move is exacerbating long-held fears about what his presidency means for abortion access.
Research conducted by Boise State University shows that a majority of Idahoans believe abortion should be permitted through at least the first trimester. The study also indicates