This course is intended to introduce the beginning student to the major theories and perpetual questions within Western philosophy. Such questions include but are not limited to: What is real? What ...
the possibility of free will and moral responsibility, and the nature of ethics. A semester-long study of topics in Philosophy. Topics and emphases will vary according to the instructor. This course ...
Are we free? How should we live? We will read ... 10:20-11:20 MWF This course introduces students to some of the central topics and methods of philosophy. The course will focus on these questions: ...
Philosophy courses address some of the biggest and most difficult questions about the human condition in a systematic and logical manner. View our majors, minors, and more What makes life meaningful ...
The Philosophy Department offers a wide range of courses in line with the diverse areas of specialization of our faculty. Students in many departments will find cognate courses for their majors, ...
Creative writing, literature and philosophy courses are offered as both electives and required courses to complement a variety of programs across the University. These courses provide ongoing ...
Below you will find the tentative schedule of courses that the philosophy department is offering during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please check the course schedule for the most updated listing of ...
The curriculum also includes core courses and electives across a range of disciplines: Philosophy courses in the major are focused on establishing a powerful set of logical reasoning, writing and ...
Our philosophy department offers courses in all the major periods, figures and texts of the history of philosophy — Western and Asian — and the central areas of philosophical inquiry, including ...
The Department of Philosophy offers an undergraduate degree as well as several minors and immersions that can be paired with most other undergraduate degree programs at RIT. Through studying ...