Washington drivers crash in work zones more than 1,000 times a year, compelling the Legislature to unanimously approve speed cameras along state highways.
Sidewalks and crosswalks in Umatilla and Morrow counties won’t be a walk in the park during the next few months.
Roseville, said the signs detract from the state's natural scenic beauty and pose a safety concern for motorists. Billboard companies say the bill would hurt local businesses and curtail First ...
Some motorists do not like roundabouts but according to the Georgia Department of Transportation, they serve their purpose.
Speed cameras are on their way to a freeway work zone near you. WSDOT is about to debut mobile cameras to improve safety.
A new entrance ramp from Bandera Road to eastbound Loop 1604 opens near an H-E-B Plus, marking progress in the $1.4 billion ...
The systems are strategically placed at key exit ramps TxDOT identified could be hot spots for potential wrong-way accidents.