Long before the United States entered the Second World War in December 1941, American aid workers were fanning out across territory occupied by the Axis powers, attempting to help Jews escape, as ...
Des hauts responsables de l’ONU ont appelé, dimanche, au respect du cessez-le-feu entre Israël et le Liban, suite à des informations selon lesquelles les forces israéliennes auraient tué au moins 15 ...
The world’s richest man is now also one of the most politically powerful. Musk’s journey to mega MAGA funder sheds some light on what his motivations might be.
While study is going to play a large role this year, work out a schedule that allows for rest and the things you enjoy.
Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 is humanity’s only hope of achieving climate security. It’s time to think deeply about our chances of getting there.
It isn’t just not being able to split bills. Tax systems and social expectations can also play a role. If we want to fix this inequity, we have to understand what drives it.
Only five of the Hottest 100 winners have been bands in the past 15 years, compared to 13 in the 15 years prior.
Did you read every word of the associated privacy policy? If so, did you fully understand it? If you said “no” to either of these questions, you are not alone. Only 6% of Australians claim to read all ...
Accepting change in the aftermath of natural disasters is hard. But long-term survival may require embracing managed retreat rather than repeated rebuilds.
Some communities have too few GPs to ensure everyone can get the care they need, when they need it. Whoever wins the federal election should commit to fixing this.
On January 27 2025, political dignitaries and Holocaust survivors will gather in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) in Poland. They will attend the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the ...
par Françoise Rivière, Responsable de la Cellule Economie et Stratégie, département Afrique, AFD, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Julia Brouillard, Économiste principale à la Banque européenne ...