BEAST Software - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees
BEAST is built on a large body of prior work and appropriate citations for individual modules, models and components will be listed when BEAST is run. BEAST-Users mailing list. Users are strongly advised to join the BEAST mailing-list. This will be used to announce new versions and advise users about bugs and problems.
BEAST v1.10.4 released | BEAST Documentation
Nov 14, 2018 · BEAST v1.10.4 fixes a bug when trying to specify a burnin on the command line version of LogCombiner. It also introduces two new command line options specific to BEAGLE v3.1 (-beagle_threading_off and -beagle_thread_count).
Installing BEAST | BEAST Documentation
Installing BEAST BEAST has been developed in Java , which allows the same code to run on any platform that has the Java software installed. We have also created packages for each of the common operating systems to provide a user-interface that is ‘native’ and familiar.
FigTree | BEAST Documentation
FigTree is a program for viewing trees, including summary information produced by TreeAnnotator, and producing publication quality figures.
BEAST v1.8.4 released | BEAST Documentation
Jun 17, 2016 · Download BEAST v1.8.4 binaries for Mac, Windows and UNIX/Linux Version 1.8.4 released 17th June 2016 New Features: New structured list of citations printed to screen before running. Option ('-citation_file') to write citation list to file.
Downloading and installing BEAST on UNIX/Linux
BEAST can be downloaded from the following link: BEAST X v10.5.0-beta5 - UNIX/Linux version 46.2MB; This will download a compressed tar archive (a ‘.tgz’ file).
BEAGLE | BEAST Documentation
Using BEAGLE with BEAST BEAGLE is a high-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics package. It can make use of highly-parallel processors such as those in …
Downloading and installing BEAST on Windows
Installing BEAST. Unzip the downloaded compressed ZIP archive (currently BEAST.v10.5.0-beta5.zip). The unzipped files contain executable binaries for BEAST, BEAUti, LogCombiner, TreeAnnotator and TreeStat. Double-clicking on those files will automatically start the corresponding program. BEAGLE acceleration library
Approaches for analyzing large phylogenetic datasets | BEAST …
Here, we highlight some recent modifications we have made to make the analysis of tens of thousand of taxa in BEAST feasible on a time-scale that can help inform public health responses. Many of these improvements are based on re-implementations of approaches used in other phylogenetic software, and we are grateful to the entire phylogenetic ...
BEAUti & The BEAST | BEAST Documentation
BEAUti is a graphical user-interface (GUI) application for generating BEAST XML files. It is distributed in the same package as BEAST. To download it, go to the BEAST download page .