An Article from Tampa Tirbune, - Genealogy.com
Due to the frontier being opened and survey parties being further inland with their surveys, the Indians became hostile. On July 17, 1849 at Dempsey Whidden’s store and home on Payne’s Creek Indians killed, him and George S. Payne. It became necessary to move the frontier families to old Fort Green for protection.
James Welch and the Eastern Ch - Genealogy.com
Jan 26, 2004 · James Welch :packhorseman&frontier soldier James Welch (b.c.1720 Ireland d.aft.1796?) came with his father John (d.1768), his mother Anne (Nancy), and his younger brother John to Savannah, Georgia
LOYD Family in Early Texas His - Genealogy.com
Oct 26, 2007 · Frontier Times, Oct, 1930 a boy and Simpson Loyd. * Brown's creek, a tributary of the Colorado river, in the western portion of Hamilton county * Cowhouse creek * THE STEER BRANDED "MURDER, 1889" To the cowboys who rode the
Pennsylvania Revolutionary War - Genealogy.com
Dec 20, 2003 · Pennsylvania Revolutionary War service Records By David Agricola December 20, 2003 at 04:01:34. As I mentioned in a recent message, I plan to post various record series on this forum for the use and benefit of all Patton researchers.Today I shall post all the Patton records I have dug up from several sources concerning the Revolutionary War records in …
Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants - Genealogy.com
The extension of settlements on the frontier would, in time, also increase the tax rolls and contribute to the reduction of their Revolutionary War debts. In the aftermath of the war, the states with transappalachian claims ceded some of those claims to the federal government, but not until they had the assurance of being able to fulfill their ...
Early Warwick family informati - Genealogy.com
May 16, 2009 · With the outbreak of the Revolution, Indian hostilities encouraged by the British broke out on the Virginia frontier. On December 7th 1777, during an unexpected snowstorm, twenty three Indians penetrated the Tygart's Settlements and attacked Darby Connelly's house.Darby was at the time on the roof removing snow. They killed him, his wife
Jan 6, 1999 · MCCOLLOUGH, MCCULLOUGH, MCCULLOCH By Mark McCollough January 06, 1999 at 07:28:34. Looking for information on the ancenstry of Captain JOHN McCOLLOUGH of Butler Co., PA (b 4/15/1770; d. 9/8/1847).Butler Co. histories state John was born in Westmoreland Co., PA; Holston River, VA; or Scotland.Married ANNA ELIZABETH
Early Patton info from Virgini - Genealogy.com
Early Patton info from Virginia By David Agricola December 02, 2003 at 03:34:50. Dear fellow Patton researchers-As some of you know I have been posting data on my personal website which pertains to the Patton family.I found out this week that I have used up all my free web space and cannot add any new files without setting up a new "domain" which can get a bit costly.Since I …
Daniel Boone's siblings - Genealogy.com
Aug 12, 1999 · I show that Squire Boone had 12 children. 1. Nathaniel d. bef 1807 2. Sarah Cassandra (1724-1814) m. John Wilcoxson Sr
Re: John Young and Jane Flint - Genealogy.com
Feb 23, 2002 · He married about 1777 Jane Flint (born ca. 1755 -died May 21, 1842 at Lee, Oneida County, New York) the daughter of John Flint.During the war she was taken prisoner by the Indians and taken to Canada.On February 23, 1778, he and the inhabitants of Cherry Valley signed a petition to Governor George Clinton for rangers under competent officers to ...